Bart O'Farrell

O'FARRELL, Bartholomew Patrick BEdHons. (Wales), Dip.A.D.
Landscape painter in acrylic, pastel, water-colour;
Lecturer in Illustration, Faculty of Art W.G.I.H.E., Swansea (1981-85);

Ogilvie, Mid-Glamorgan, 11 Aug., 1941

St. Keverne, Cornwall, 24 December., 2017

Caerphilly Grammar School.

Cardiff College of Art (1959-62), Polytechnic of Wales, Barry (1974-78).

Cornwall and S. Wales; annual one-man shows in Cornwall from 1986 onwards at Trelowarren, Helston Folk Museum, Camborne School of Mines Museum and Gallery, St. Austell Arts Centre, Falmouth Art. Gallery.

National Museum of Wales - Albany Gallery, Cardiff - Celtic Art, Falmouth - Manor House Fine Arts - 3 Spires, Truro - Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro

Work in collections:
National Library of Wales.

The Encyclopedia of Acrylic Techniques - The Best of Acrylic Painting - Inspirational Portraits - Encyclopedia of Water-colour Landscape Painting - Water, How to paint it - Acrylic School

Listed in Who's Who in British Art

Signs work:
Bart O'Farrell

Other Achievements:
He was the founder member of the volunteer group Lizard Ancient Sites Network, which works to save ancient monuments.

He also founded the West Country Dowsers and was affectionately known as 'The Wizard of the Lizard'.

Bart O'Farrell